Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Does it ever strike you as odd?

The way reportors ask questions these days I would swear they are all idiots. I guess to some degree a reporter has to ask the stupid questions for those in the listening audience who are indeed stupid, but most are not. Take for instance the recent press conference on the shark who bit the boy in the last couple of days. A reporter asks, "What do you think the shark was thinking?" I doubt the man giving the press conference has shark ESP, do you?! Or, "Was the boy swimming?" --No, the shark grew legs and was on the beach! I just don't get it?! OY!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Another year gone by...

Over the weekend I celebrated another birthday. I'm 28 now, and by the standards of my co-workers, I am still a "baby", but I have to say it just feels different. I am really starting to feel 3-0 creeping up on me and when I look back on my 20's I just can't believe it! Turning 30 won't be a bad thing, just a different thing. After all, turning another year old just means I've been blessed enough to see another year through. But, the reality that life will not last forever certainly looks you in the face a little closer as you begin to come out of those evey so tumultuous and life altering 20's. Again, not a bad thing, just cause for reflection, I suppose. No matter what the case, I am happy to report that I have joyfully celebrated another year and I look forward to all that this next one will bring! I hope I will always live each day to the fullest because life has no rewind button!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I cannot wait!

I am taking off on Friday and I have to say, that I wish it were here already! It has been so crazy at work that I just can't seem to get things organized and straightened out. You know when you feel like you've started a million things and can't get any of them finished?! YUCK! Anyhow, it's my birthday on Saturday so that seems fair, right? I want to go hang out and my parents pool and work on a tan that I don't have!

In other news, my girls can now climb up on the couch! What a fun time we will be having! I think I'll be moving the coffe table to another room as well. We have been lucky to be able to keep it in there this long, but now that they have learned they can hoist themselves up on that too, I think it's time for it to go!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


There are so many things I could write about today; the weather, work, how annoying it is to have to get ready in the mornings, but it really all seems so insignificant today in light of the fact that I have friends, friends of friends, and even my husband facing some serious health issues. I just want to give a prayer of thanks to God for all the blessings he has brought to my life, and one for all those who are struggling today.

I also want to tell my wonderful husband "thanks" for all he does to help me out. You are such a blessing to me and you do so much without complaining or me asking. You are truly one of a kind. "I love you" just does not seem to say enough, but I do love you so very much!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Random thoughts on Friday

Do Fridays at work EVER end??? I am sitting here at my desk with plenty to do, and eventually it will all get done, but I am just watching the clock hoping 5 o'clock will come swiftly! It seems that Fridays can be some of the longest days. Especially when you are tired because you were awake all night listening to thunder boom so loud it sets of your neighbor's car alarm FOUR times! I really hate thunderstorms at night! Why not come in the daytime?! Thunder is so much better in the light.

Though, in all fairness, one of the best and most hilarious times I have ever had came at night during a thunderstorm. One night while at our house during a thunderstorm in which we lost power, Gwen and I used a flashlight to make finger shadow puppets on the wall. I am sure it was so funny only because we were so exhausted, but it's a memory I will never forget and I think of every time there are thundering showers (as the say in England).

I must say that this Friday has come with some good news though! My little sister got a job teaching 5th grade today! Such wonderful news as it's been a rocky road for her since graduating college. I am so excited for her because I know how bad she has wanted this, and of course, she'll be the most fantastic teacher!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Things I never knew...

For instance: Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine, and chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. Fairly meaningless tidbits of information in the grand scheme of things, really, but things I did not know...

One thing I did not know until eighteen months ago, and am still learning, is how much I would absolutely love being a mother. I was completely prepared for how "awful" it would be; late night feedings, ear infections, getting puked on, never sleeping in again, completely losing my identity as I had known it, less flexibility, someone being totally dependent on me, less time for everything.

What I was not prepared for is how much I would love being the mother of these two absolutely incredible works of Heavenly art. Along with all the "awful" things come the humbling things; the hugs, the kisses, the smiles... I am in absolute awe over these two girls God gave me. As I sit here looking at the most beautiful picture of my babies, I think of a quote I once read, "I never knew what it was like to have my heart outside my body."

Being a mom has made me braver than I ever knew I could be. Most of the time I still have no idea what I am doing. But I love every single minute of it!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So this is my first blog....

So this is my new place to ramble.....I actually had not thought of doing this but I didn't realize until too late that I didn't need to actually do all this to sign another friends blog...OH WELL! I guess maybe I'll try this and see how it goes! I am extra tired today so maybe that's why I'm not totally with it. Maybe I should just be like Rebekah and grab my blankie and lay on the floor and it will all be better after some sleep!

We had our first real accident with one of the girls last night...and I wasn't even there to witness it! Dad had to deal with it all by himself! I was working an even last night and the girls were playing and runnin around in the living room. Rebekah fell and hit her nose on the coffee table and it bled and she screamed something awful he said. Poor Dad it really scared him! In 10 minutes, though, she was fine and running around again! Hooray for risiliant kids! :)