O, Lord, deliver me from the land of sickness!
Let not the germs infect me or the snot run free,
Don't let my relatives pass on their tortured coughing
Protect me from the sickness so that I may live and function
with a voice, and I will praise you all the days of my life!
So, yes, I am still on the One Year Bible track (although I am doing it at night. 5:30 am is just a miserly hour that no sane person should rise at), and if you can't tell everyone around me is sick, sick, sick! Fred has NO voice and is coughing miserably, the girls have been running fevers on and off and still have that hacking cough. My Dad has battled it and my mom has been fighting it as well. I am determined to do everything I can to resist!
I know it's the crazy weather. Saturday it was 75 degrees! IN JANUARY! That is unheard of! Tonight it's snowing! We so desperately need the moisture, as we had more fires over the weekend and passed the 300,000 mark in acres burned, but it's no wonder everyone is sick!
Nothing else really new around here. Oh, I did get a new hair color over the weekend. What do you think? It's a little more red in person, but I still like it. Forgive the funny eyes as I had been dicing onions for a vegetable/cabbage soup I was making, YUM!