OK! ENOUGH! I am SICK to death of the rain! Seriously?!?! We had just enough sunshine this weekend to make us want more. Plus it's totally messing up my weekday morning runs. The forecast says it'll be raining at 5am in the morning. Ok, so, I'll just run after work - oh wait - scratch that - raining then too! Ugh! That leaves me only one dreaded option...the treadmill. BLECH! I know, I know, I should be grateful I have that option, but the treadmill is so not fun. *sigh*
In other news, just pass that bad mom award to me. I got home nearly one hour after I left work today (I told you we were getting serious rain) only to have Bekah meet me at the door, little indignent self with her hands on her hips and annoyance in her eyes, "Mommy, it was my day to bring snack and YOU didn't sent it so NOBODY got snack." Oops. Yeah, my bad. I told Bekah I would email her teacher tomorrow to apologize. Bekah ended her little scolding by saying, "I told you to start making a remember list!!" Oh yeah, I think I remember that...
I'm going to bed now.