It was a really rough week last week and I am happy it is over. My boss was in town last week and we did a series of Town Hall meetings, which usually go well, but you never know what you are going to get with those. Then a good friend and colleague of mine lost her father last week. He was too young to leave this earth, 59, and my prayers are still with her and her family as they learn to move on in life with the hole it has left in their hearts.
The weekend was, as always, a welcome break from the normal routine. Fred completed weekend #4 with his treatment. Every weekend I notice very slight improvements in him. I hope this continues and he can eventually get to where it doesn't bother him at all! What a weekend we would have!
The biggest news of all for the weekend is...drumroll please... WE ARE NOW BOTTLE-FREE IN OUR HOUSE! HOORAY HOORAY! For anyone looking for tips, I HIGHLY recommend the Nuby cups. They are fantastic! I just have to say how much I love my little girls! I can not imagine life with out the joy they bring with their tiny smiles every day!
You all have a great week and I am going to try to update a little more than once a week! HA!