YeeHaw! That's all I have to say about that!
I actually have to work tomorrow, but it won't be bad. It's for Academy Day which, is always my favorite thing. It's for kids who are interested in attending West Point, Navy or Air Force academies. I really love seeing all these kids who are really the cream of the crop vying for these coveted and few spots. They are really all deserving, but unfortunately we can't send them all.
I am also busy trying to plan my sister's personal shower. It will be a week from tomorrow. I have so much yet to do and no time to do it! Plus she found out today that she will be having surgery for a deviated septum on Monday and that will be rough. Hope she recovers well for the weekend.
Other than that really I have no plans. The State Fair started yesterday and I love that! I am hoping I can get out there sometime, but that will probably require at least half a vacation day, which is fine! They have the best cinnamon rolls! I can smell them just thinking about them...although I won't indulge because 25 weight watcher points just isn't worth it! YIKES! So, I'll just have my roasted corn, I suppose! The weather is beautiful today and it's a shame I can't get out there now! Tomorrow it's supposed to heat up again, oh well, I know Fall will eventually come.