It's been a while since I updated this thing. Really nothing much to write about. I am busy busy at work trying to get everything ready to leave for someone else. That has kept me more than occupied.
Valentine's day was nice. Fred and I went on a date to celebrate on the 13th (so much less crowded). We had dinner at this nice little English restaurant. The Shepard's pie was great! Then we went and tried out new mattresses. We are seriously thinking of purchasing a Sleep Number bed. I must say after trying it out, I really want one!
I am also on a quest for the "perfect" black business/dress shoes. I have been searching for a couple of weeks without luck. Something with a heel between 2.5" and 3". A shoe that would transition well for Spring. I can't decide between a round or pointy toe. Here are a few I have seen that I would consider, but I can't say that if I left the store without them I would be heartbroken. These I think are nice, and of course, Fred loves them because they have "Carlos Snatana" attached to them. I love this one, but it's really more money than I wanted to spend. *sigh* Surely somewhere out there is the great vast world of black shoes is a pair that is cute, affordable and just waiting to become my favorite!