Who'd-a-thunk-it, right? Here I am at the grand age of 35 sitting in my first graduate class after being out of school for 13 years. Class is not even close to the way I remember it back then. I sit here at a table, complete with plug-ins for my laptop, wi-fi hooked up, smartphone on my notebook that I normally would have been writing notes in, but Instead I'm typing bullet points in a word document on my laptop. CrAZy!
Wondering as I sit here listing to my professor, who is very interesting, watching short clips pertinent to communication from youtube on the internet, what in the WORLD made me do this school thing again?! Truthfully, I've always had the desire to do this. Seemed like life, time or circumstances were never right before. Maybe still not now, but there is no such thing as perfect, and quite frankly, I'm just tired of waiting and wasting time. You never know when you won't have anymore time.
I suppose that deep at the heart of it is just a desire to learn and grow and be "more" than what I was/am. To show my girls it's never to late, the dream is never too big, life is never an absolute. I want them to always be able to dream big and never stop. But how exactly do you teach something so abstract as to dream big? My only reasonable answer is to show them, to remember that one day they will follow my example and not my advice.
So, here I sit, in my very first class for my MBA! I can't believe it myself! What an awesome, imposing, amazing adventure I have now started. I'm excited! Will it be work? Yes. Will it take time? Yes. Will it be hard, scary, life-changing, annoying? Yes, yes, yes and YES! But I've never been one to be scared off by hard work, this is just another challenge to conquer. Just another avenue to become a better version of myself. But as they say, a comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.
See you at graduation 2014!!
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson