So this is my new place to ramble.....I actually had not thought of doing this but I didn't realize until too late that I didn't need to actually do all this to sign another friends blog...OH WELL! I guess maybe I'll try this and see how it goes! I am extra tired today so maybe that's why I'm not totally with it. Maybe I should just be like Rebekah and grab my blankie and lay on the floor and it will all be better after some sleep!
We had our first real accident with one of the girls last night...and I wasn't even there to witness it! Dad had to deal with it all by himself! I was working an even last night and the girls were playing and runnin around in the living room. Rebekah fell and hit her nose on the coffee table and it bled and she screamed something awful he said. Poor Dad it really scared him! In 10 minutes, though, she was fine and running around again! Hooray for risiliant kids! :)
Isn't it amazing how they can scare the begeebers out of you one second and be fine the next?? I'm not a parent, but I've been a doting aunt long enough to learn that one!
Motherhood is the greatest! There is nothing like it! Enjoy every minute because they grow up very very fast....then they give you grandbabies!
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