Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Nobody leaves January without singing the blues...

At least this year it seems. January has just been a rough month so far. Many things at work have made it difficult, but this last weekend we were burried under close to 6 inches of ice. It looks like a bunch of snow, but it's SOOOO not! If you step out onto it you will qickly find that there are no prints to be left....just one solid, rock hard sheet of ice. Not even driving the Durango on it makes tracks. No pictures tonight tho...dead batteries in the camera and none on hand. So, they closed nearly everything at about noon last Friday and most everyone got a day off yesterday. However, today most of the working world got back to the grind.

This morning as I am drying my hair at about 6:45 I hear the sound of Fred's work boots thumping up the stairs. Not acustomed to him being around at that time, I was wondering why he was back home after leaving for work. Turns out he hit a patch of ice leaving our neighborhood this morning, slid over the curb and slammed into a brick retaining wall at the entrance of our edition. Fabulous! just fabulous...as if we needed on more thing to deal with. Oh well. At least he wasn't hurt and he didn't hit anybody else. He took the Durango in for an estimate: $2,000. OUCH!

The girls saw the car this morning and were very concerned about Daddy "breaking" the car. Bekah said, "oh well, I guess he'll have to get a new one." When I told them it didn't work like that and that Daddy would have to get it fixed, Rachel said, "Oh, I guess we have to call Handy Manny to bring Pat the hammer." (a fix-it cartoon on the Disney Channel). Cute! If only it were that easy. sigh...

This too shall pass... not too quickly tho as they are predicting 3-6 inches of snow this weekend and then another round next weekend. No rest for the weary!


Earle-girl said...

Wow! So are you convinced now that you should move to California?? I wore short sleeves today...

Sarah said...

If it weren't for the astronomical cost of living I might consider it, LOL! --not used to that here! Honestly tho, I really do enjoy have a change in seasons...just not having to replace property because of it. HA!