Saturday, October 31, 2009

My girl

I asked my girl this morning, "HOW did you get SO pretty?!?!?!" 

My girl, said to me, "Because you're so pretty, mommy." 

Be still my beating heart!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Suck it up, Buttercup!

No doubt you've heard that saying before.  It's a chronic recital for me at some point during the duration of each day.  During a run, trying to get my kid to eat, doing laundry, biting my tounge when I really want to say what I know I shouldn't.  At times like this I try to remember that honesty is not a "Fruit of the Spirit," but patience, kindness and self-control are. 

This is especially hard to remember when "Frustration" seems to inhabit a permanent room in my home.  Some days he is less noticable than others, but lately it seems he is following me around, infecting everything I try to do.  He leaves all his junk in my way, messing up my house, work, runs, all of it.  The big jerk!

I've tried numerous times to evict him, but apparently he's a glutton for punishment because he keeps turning up.  Sometimes in the same place I JUST kicked him out of! 

I will not bore with the details, but just know, he will NOT get the best of ME!  No matter how many times I have to kick him out on his butt.  This war is mine!  So, I will continue to "suck it up," clear the mind with some good runs, deep breathing exercises and just keep on truckin'.  That's all a girl can do.  

Are ya feelin' me?  I know you do...  ;o)  

Suck it up, Buttercup!  This too shall pass...

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Riding in cars with girls

It was a lengthy and time consuming process gathering the two kindergarten girls from their grandma's house.  After all, grandma's houses are always a place for grandchildren to have their way and run amok until the parents take over.  There were tiny bits of paper all over the floor from the family Artist, and school papers strewn out from the Studious one.  After nearly and hour, the mom and her girls were finally piling into the car.

"Girls, I need to stop by the store, OK?" 

"Sure, that's fine, mommy.  Can we get soemthing from the dollar bins?"  the Little one asked. 

"Maybe, we'll see." 

The Older one spouted, "Why do you always say that?" 

The mom replied, "It's because it all depends on how you act when we get there, that's why." 

The little one pipes up from the back seat, "I need to use your phone.  I'm full of words and I have a lot to tell grandma and papa," referring to her other set of grandparents. 

"Oh, really?" 

The mom handed the Little one the cell phone and she promptly hit the speed dial number she knew would locate her intended listening audience. 

"Hi Grandma!  Did you know that my stomach is not really where I rub my tummy?"  pause "No, it's really higher than that.  And you know what?  Where I rub my tummy is really my large and small contestants." 

The mom was in the front seat trying desperately not to laugh out loud.  She knew if the Little one heard her laugh she would be angry demand mom stop laughing at her and the moment would be ruined. 

The Little one continued, "Yes, and your kidneys are in your back, and your spine goes to your brain, and there's something orange that goes sideways, but I can't remember what that's called.  And did you know that your heart doesn't look like a heart that I draw on paper?  It really looks like three big bumps and it pumps blood all over me and that's how I get energy." 

There was long, and by long about a minute, silence and she quickly changed direction.

"Grandma, I'm not going to marry Nahuel anymore." 

It is worth noting that Nahuel (who's Italian and his name pronounced Now-ee) have been fast friends since the first week of Kindergarten.  The second week of Kindergarten Nahuel asked the Little one for her hand in marriage.  Being the sensitive one she deceptively can be at times, agreed to the arrangement as she did like him and didn't want to say no.  A trait the mother secretly hoped she would outgrow. 

Grandma must have asked why because the Little one went on, "Well, he thinks he is the King of the world and I told him that he's NOT the boss of me!"  pause "Yeah, and he's also a tattle-tale and that hurts my feelings." 

More questions from grandma.  "Yeah, I'm going to marry somebody else, but I don't know who yet and until I find a new boyfriend I'm just going to be un-single."

The mom's smile was as big as a half-moon.  She had that eye-watering kind of laughing happening on the inside, and a beaming sense of satisfaction that her sometimes sensitive Little one really was as head-strong as she knew her to be. 

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Race Day

I completed my first ever 10k race today!  It was a Zoo Run!  The day was beautiful and temps were unbeatable!  It was a bit chilly this morning, but about 53 degrees at the start of the race.  Just perfect!

Here we are at the start.  Rachel thought it was a bit too bright.  So, it was just me and road today, no tunes.  I could have had some tunes, but didn't know it until it was too late.  Normally, you aren't allowed to wear headphones in a race, but I guess this one was different.  They seemed a tad bit unorganized, but not too bad.  The timing devices did malfunction though.  :) 

Here I am about to cross the finish line.  I don't know what my "official" time was because of the malfunction, but I did use my watch and according to that I finished at 1:00:58.  I was hoping to be under an hour, but I was sure close!  I think it was the extra .2 that cost me the time, but that's ok.  I mainly wanted a practice run before the Half in November.  Here we are at the end.

Without my tunes I had to keep my mind busy for 6 miles so here's what you get...

  • Best sound of the day: "Listen to all those feet!!"  Said by a small boy on the sidelines at the start

  • Worst sound of the day:  The person a little behind me and slightly to my right who let it rip at about mile 3.

  • Funniest statement of the run:  "Who's got a Garmin?"  Woman in the race thru the wooded area

  • Most inspiring runner:  The little grandma I passed in mile 4 with her once-a-week-beauty-shop-hair just running away like it was no big deal

  • Best part of the day: rounding the corner and seeing the finish line and being able to hear my girls screaming "GO MOMMY! RUN MOMMY!!!" 

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Runner's etiquette rant...

On the weekdays I run at the same time in the morning.  The alarm goes off at 5:00 am, and I somehow manage to drag (and I do mean drag) my sleepy butt out of bed about 5:12 am.   Running at the same time, I generally see the same trail travelers along my path.  I don't know their names or where they come from, but seeing them over and over, I've learned their faces, and I've memorized a few of their inspirational quotes on the back of t-shirts.  I've also learned a few of their running habits, good and bad.  Which brings me to my point of my frustration.

There is a particular female runner who I see nearly every run.  She runs with two other girls, but she is always in the same spot in the running pack - the outside.  As you can imagine, at that time of the morning the sun is not out to illuminate much, but the trail lights are all in working order and provide good light.  This aformentioned runner wears what I kindly refer to as a "miner's light" on her head.  I'm sure it has a snazzy, sporty, technical running name, but I think "miner's light" works good enough. 

The "pack of three" as I'll call them, are always running in the opposite direction of me.  When I see them up ahead I always roll my eyes and mutter to myself.  "Oh great, here she comes!"  The three of them run side-by-side, taking up the width of the trail with lots of space between them.  But for some reason miner's light gets to me the most.  Perhaps because she's on the closest to me.   I know she sees me, but yet she never moves, "THERE'S ROOM TO MOVE OVER!" I always want to scream, but it never comes out.  And she just waves at me as I have to tiptoe on the edge of the trail hoping I don't trip on a stick or something.  Seriously.  Is it really that hard to move just a little bit??  12 inches, that's really all I ask for, is that really so hard?

With this frustration in mind, here's what I would list as my Top 10 Runner's Etiquette Rules (a couple of these are borrowed):
  1. In a group run, don't take over the road/sidewalk/trail. On sidewalks, especially, single-file it. Leave  room for someone to pass or otherwise get by without being run off the trail! (HELLO?!  Are ya feelin' me miner's light girl?!)
  2. If you are injured - it's okay to whine a little. After that shut up. Everyone has their own problems.
  3. Don't assume because someone is slower they want your coaching advice. Speed is not an indicator of knowledge. Slower does not mean dumber.
  4. Don't wear really noisy clothing. If your running suit is so loud that you think some is chasing you, don't you think other runners might be alarmed as well?
  5. Don't run through puddles and splash other runners unless you want to be chased and dunked.
  6. They invented deoderant for you to use. Nothing is worse than a having to hold your breath to cruise past a runner who wears more Ben Gay than clothing. Likewise, don't wear 10 ounces of cologne either, you don't want someone to puke on you as they pass by.
  7. Don't rock out too hard with your tunes.  Other runners do not necessarily find your squelching rendition of "Eye of the Tiger" particularly pleasing.
  8. If you are running with a partner it is not necessary to yell your conversation to them.  I don't really need to know about the people who got busy in the stairwell in your building.
  9. Don't run thru wet cement.  Not particularly a running shoe enhancement unless you are wanting to add a little weight training to your run.
  10. "Looking good" is acceptable encouragement - (Unless of course you catch someone whizzing, or it is yelled by a passerby in a speeding car).  "Get the Lead out!" is not. (In either situation...)

Monday, September 21, 2009

A day in the life of...

OK! ENOUGH!  I am SICK to death of the rain!  Seriously?!?!  We had just enough sunshine this weekend to make us want more. Plus it's totally messing up my weekday morning runs.  The forecast says it'll be raining at 5am in the morning.  Ok, so, I'll just run after work - oh wait - scratch that - raining then too!  Ugh!  That leaves me only one dreaded option...the treadmill.  BLECH!  I know, I know, I should be grateful I have that option, but the treadmill is so not fun.  *sigh*

In other news, just pass that bad mom award to me.  I got home nearly one hour after I left work today (I told you we were getting serious rain) only to have Bekah meet me at the door, little indignent self with her hands on her hips and annoyance in her eyes, "Mommy, it was my day to bring snack and YOU didn't sent it so NOBODY got snack."  Oops.  Yeah, my bad.  I told Bekah I would email her teacher tomorrow to apologize.  Bekah ended her little scolding by saying, "I told you to start making a remember list!!"  Oh yeah, I think I remember that...

I'm going to bed now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Look who's learning to use her camera!

I have always loved taking pictures.  Recenlty, I was inspired by The Pioneer Woman to really learn how to use my camera.  So, wonder of wonders, I actually read my user manual for my camera.  Who would have ever guessed it could hold such a wealth of information?  Not I!  I mean, after all, it's only the user manual.  What could it possibly tell me?  Umm...well...yeah...

With this new wealth of information about my camera I rounded up the girls for an adventure.  Half way into it the girls were calling it "the long journey."  Here's a few of my favorites.

These are all just straight out of the camera shots, no editing.  I'm not good enough for that yet, haha!  I still have a lot to learn, some of these shots got a little dark, but the good news is that now I know how to experiment with that and like all things practice makes perfect!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Farewell Friday!

Friday is just about over and I could not be more thrilled.  Not exactly the best of Fridays for many reasons of which I am not even going to attempt to regurgitate for you.

And 1 more makes 9
Tomorrow is "Long Run Saturday" as I so fondly call it these days.  I have actually gotten to the point that I enjoy it.  Yes, stop rubbing your eyes, I said ENJOY!  I can hardly believe it myself!  Tomorrow's run will leave me just 4.1 miles away from my goal.  Who ever would have thought I would or could run 13 miles?!  Certainly not me!  Here is part of the trail I'll see tomorrow.  Great view of the river.

Thursday morning's run brought a first for me and that was a run in the rain.  I got half way thru my run and onto my favorite bridge, when it started pouring rain.  I tried my best to tuck away my iPod and headphones, and to shield my phone as best as I could.  As I trudged along this was what was going thru my head:
     Rain Rain go away, you soaked me thru on my run today
     And if you ruined my iPod I say, there will, there will be hell to pay!
In response, my sister replied:
     Sarah, Sarah, Silly one.  Why take your iPod on your run?
     Fred Astaire showed us simple and plain
     You're supposed to sing and dance thru the rain!

Thought that was pretty good.  I leave you with a picture of my favorite bridge over the Arkansas river and bid you Adieu!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Poor Sad neglected blog...

So, nearly a YEAR later here we are. I'm not even going to attempt to recap, and I am not even sure anybody reads or will ever read this blog again. But look for updates to come...just for me, myself and I, if no one else at all...