Here we are at the start. Rachel thought it was a bit too bright. So, it was just me and road today, no tunes. I could have had some tunes, but didn't know it until it was too late. Normally, you aren't allowed to wear headphones in a race, but I guess this one was different. They seemed a tad bit unorganized, but not too bad. The timing devices did malfunction though. :)
Without my tunes I had to keep my mind busy for 6 miles so here's what you get...
Best sound of the day: "Listen to all those feet!!" Said by a small boy on the sidelines at the start
Worst sound of the day: The person a little behind me and slightly to my right who let it rip at about mile 3.
Funniest statement of the run: "Who's got a Garmin?" Woman in the race thru the wooded area
Most inspiring runner: The little grandma I passed in mile 4 with her once-a-week-beauty-shop-hair just running away like it was no big deal
Best part of the day: rounding the corner and seeing the finish line and being able to hear my girls screaming "GO MOMMY! RUN MOMMY!!!"
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