"All those who think they've got it made, please step forward! Not so fast there, Sarah!"
Yes, apparently I am not as lucky as I thought I was when it came to escaping the germs being passed around the house. It seems that obsessive hand washing and clorox wiping everying was not enough. About 2 am yesterday morning I awoke with chills and with the most awful "headache" I have ever experienced. Turns out I have a severe sinus infection.
Against my better judgement I went to work today. By 11 am I could take it no more and left. Came home, tried to sleep, couldn't stop coughing, so I gave up. The girls were still at my mom's so I decided a movie was what I needed. My favorite movie was calling my name. No matter how many times I watch it, I'll never get tired of it. Father of the Bride. It just brings back good memories of when I used to dream of my own wedding. And if that wasn't enough when that one was done, I went on to watch Father of the Bride, Part II. There is just something so perfect about the comedic timing of the Diane Keaton/Steve Martin/Martin Short trio that I cannot resist.
I am off to try to sleep, hopefully the coughing will go away, and I'll be better for work tomorrow. If not, I guess it's more chick flicks for me. :)