Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A joyful announcement!!!!!

This day belongs to my dear twin mom friend, Tracy! She announced an addition to her family today! A little girl, who will come to them from China! I still have chills reading the big news!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2006

The mourning has begun

One week from today I will be closing the door on what has been one of the biggest building blocks of my life. I am still not sure I will ever feel ready to leave. All of my work is starting to get passed on, but I feel this need to hang on to it for some reason. I am having a harder time letting go of it than I imagined. Wathcing someone else doing "my" job has been like fingernails scratching a chalkboard for me.

There's a box over in the corner of my office that I was finally able to pack away some of my things in, but I couldn't bear to see it sitting there so now it's behind the desk. I am still not ready to take my pictures off the wall. Despite all the angry callers, crazy cases and never ending work, I really will miss all of this. I am sure next week is going to be even worse...


I need a good baby girl hug and sloppy kiss and all will be right with the world again.
OK, I feel better now =)

Monday, February 20, 2006

In a world of "E's"

If it's not Exodus it's Elmo. Seriously, how many times can one enjoy "Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland" before they are reduced to a babbling shell of what they once were? Padded cell anyone? Sign me up! I am sure there is a waiting list of mothers of two year olds just waiting to escape the Elmo world their children wish to live in. I woke up singing "it's all about your point of view, in life it's all about your point of view." Sung by the "Queen of Trash" in the aforementioned flick.

The thing is, it's a seriously cute movie if you don't have to watch it 3 times a day. Yes, I know, the parenting Nazi's can gasp with horror at this fact, but sadly it's true. Call me crazy, but even at three times a day it's still easier to listen to Mandy Patinkin sing than screams of "ELMO BLANKET BACK NOW!" all day long. OY!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My exegesis of Exodus

I am finding it so difficult to get thru Exodus. I am struggling to keep up with my daily reading simply because I feel almost like I have read the same thing over and over again. It's really great if you need exact instructions on slaughtering a bull or lamb, building a temple or what to wear if you are a priest. I don't really mind reading it, but I feel like it gets repeated about 4 times at least by now -- three more chapters. I can make it!

We have quite a bit of snow on the ground here. It's very pretty if you don't have to drive on it. Today brought a full day of freezing rain, not so good. I guess the weather is trying to remind us that winter is not over. The good news is I don't have to work tomorrow. Yeehaw!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Long time coming

It's been a while since I updated this thing. Really nothing much to write about. I am busy busy at work trying to get everything ready to leave for someone else. That has kept me more than occupied.

Valentine's day was nice. Fred and I went on a date to celebrate on the 13th (so much less crowded). We had dinner at this nice little English restaurant. The Shepard's pie was great! Then we went and tried out new mattresses. We are seriously thinking of purchasing a Sleep Number bed. I must say after trying it out, I really want one!

I am also on a quest for the "perfect" black business/dress shoes. I have been searching for a couple of weeks without luck. Something with a heel between 2.5" and 3". A shoe that would transition well for Spring. I can't decide between a round or pointy toe. Here are a few I have seen that I would consider, but I can't say that if I left the store without them I would be heartbroken. These I think are nice, and of course, Fred loves them because they have "Carlos Snatana" attached to them. I love this one, but it's really more money than I wanted to spend. *sigh* Surely somewhere out there is the great vast world of black shoes is a pair that is cute, affordable and just waiting to become my favorite!

Friday, February 10, 2006

It's a done deal...

I gave my two weeks notice today (well, it's going to be three actually). It was a LOT harder to do than I had anticipated. I cried. It's just so hard to leave people that have really watched me "grow up."

When I came here 7 years ago, I was right out of college, they were with me when I bought my first house, then I got married, then we struggled with infertility, then twins...now this. They will still be my friends, of course, but it won't be the same. I won't come to work everyday and be able to tell them what funny thing the girls did last night or gripe about what is going on at work. I know this job ends for all of us and the end of the year, and I knew some of us would leave before then - but I didn't think it would be me. How do you say "good bye"?

To say I am nervous about all this would be a lie. To tell the truth, I am absolutely terrified! My boss said all good changes are painful. This is definitely painful, so I hope that transaltes into - good change.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You never know what a day might bring

Yesterday at 4pm, I recieved a phone call from a lady I worked for nearly 10 years ago when I was in college. I worked for her at a place called the CARE Center. It was a place where kids who had just been removed from their homes came for interviews. I was in charge of playing with them, getting them comfortable and stuff like that. It was a fun job. She wanted me to come work for her 7 years ago when I took this job, but God had other plans for me.

She heard that my boss is leaving Congress to run for Governor and called me up a couple of weeks ago to talk about me possibly coming to work for her again sometime later in the year. Long story short, she called yesterday to offer me what I think could possibly be the job of my dreams. I wasn't at all planning on leaving what I am doing so early, but this offer may be too good to turn down if the pay is right. I know I'll be taking a pay cut to do this, but if it's enough for us to make it on, I am pretty sure I am going to take it.

What is the job, you ask??? Well, I would be working with drug exposed babies and their families. There is a LOT more involved with that, but that's it in a very small nut shell. One of the most apealing things about this is that I would be eligible for a program that would pay for me to get my Master's degree. Something I have wanted to do for ages. I'll find out at 1:30 today whether or not this is workable. I sure hope so!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Weekends are never long enough. There's always something I didn't get done. Although, I didn't go to church yesterday so I was able to get almost every bit of laundry done and put away. Why did I play hookie from church, you ask? Well, I really didn't think anyone would care to look at my still very swollen cyclops eye.

I went back to the Dr. this morning and he had to lance it. It was not a pleasant experience. First, he tried to spray the infected spot with a numbing agent. Unfortunately, that just got into my eye where it stung so bad I wanted to say a whole string of words unbecoming of a lady. The good news is that he took care of it, and hopefully it will get better. We'll see.

In other news Winter is supposedly making a come back. Of course, so typical for February. Tomorrow is supposed to be our warmest day of the week at 55 degrees. Saturday the forecasted high is 30! Should be fun!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Fat Friday

I have the fattest swollen eye I think I have ever seen. It started swelling yesterday and this morning I got up and it was nearly swollen shut. So, I got into the Dr. today and he said it was a badly infected tear duct. Nearly so bad that he thought I might have to have it lanced! OUCH! Apparently my sinus infection from last week caused it. I had to get an antibiotic shot plus I have to take 4 1000mg pills of Augmentin per day. OY! I guess it's a good thing I did not attempt to blow it off!

No big plans for the weekend. I just hope my eye gets better!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

February already!

It's hard to believe that January of '06 is one for the history books! Where does the time go?! So far, so good tho! At least January went out with a bang! Congratulations to my dear friend, Jenn, on her new little blessing, Lucy!

No other news to report here, really. I did buy the girls a "pee pee potty" as Bekah likes to call it. They will sit on it, but that's about it so far. :) This is OK with me as I don't plan on pushing potty training, and really didn't even want to start at all until the summer. But both of the girls are constantly talking about the potty, so I figured I should at least encourage them a little. Can't hurt, right?

One month down on my Bible reading. I was able to finish January caught up, even tho I had a few days to catch up on from being sick last week.

Happy February, everyone!