Friday, February 24, 2006

The mourning has begun

One week from today I will be closing the door on what has been one of the biggest building blocks of my life. I am still not sure I will ever feel ready to leave. All of my work is starting to get passed on, but I feel this need to hang on to it for some reason. I am having a harder time letting go of it than I imagined. Wathcing someone else doing "my" job has been like fingernails scratching a chalkboard for me.

There's a box over in the corner of my office that I was finally able to pack away some of my things in, but I couldn't bear to see it sitting there so now it's behind the desk. I am still not ready to take my pictures off the wall. Despite all the angry callers, crazy cases and never ending work, I really will miss all of this. I am sure next week is going to be even worse...


I need a good baby girl hug and sloppy kiss and all will be right with the world again.
OK, I feel better now =)