Monday, June 27, 2005

Another year gone by...

Over the weekend I celebrated another birthday. I'm 28 now, and by the standards of my co-workers, I am still a "baby", but I have to say it just feels different. I am really starting to feel 3-0 creeping up on me and when I look back on my 20's I just can't believe it! Turning 30 won't be a bad thing, just a different thing. After all, turning another year old just means I've been blessed enough to see another year through. But, the reality that life will not last forever certainly looks you in the face a little closer as you begin to come out of those evey so tumultuous and life altering 20's. Again, not a bad thing, just cause for reflection, I suppose. No matter what the case, I am happy to report that I have joyfully celebrated another year and I look forward to all that this next one will bring! I hope I will always live each day to the fullest because life has no rewind button!

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